Una renovada apelación al bienestar:

entre el neoliberalismo y pandemia


  • Paula Lucía Aguilar
  • Analía Minteguiaga




Social Welfare, Neoliberalism, Latin America, Social Policy, COVID-19


The recently published book The dispute for social welfare in Latin America in times of neoliberal siege (CLACSO-IIGG, 2020) contents a plural diagnosis of the difficult situation of social welfare in Latin America and the intensification of political disputes over its definition and concretion. Upon this base the article analyzes aspects of the sanitary, economic and social emergency that the COVID-19 pandemic brings to the region and considers how the current and epic calamity acts as a catalyst for both the transformations that had been happening as a result of the establishment of the neoliberal project, as well as other emerging, unexpected and specific changes due to the pandemic situation. In this sense, the article recovers the content of the book while seeking to capture how the content of the 8 chapters compiled (by researchers from Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay, Paraguay and Ecuador) allow building a multidimensional and comparative view of social protection challenges, and give account of the substrate on which the pandemic operated, and the tensions that it enabled, as well.


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How to Cite

Aguilar, P. L. ., & Minteguiaga, A. (2020). Una renovada apelación al bienestar:: entre el neoliberalismo y pandemia. Cátedra Paralela, (17), 17–37. https://doi.org/10.35305/cp.vi17.51



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