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Whithout father´s data.

Reflections on tangencial paternity of children housed in a Welfare Home in Mar del Plata City


  • Mariana Haydée Bright Universidad Nacional de Mar de Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina



Tangential paternities, patriarchal hegemony, vectors of violence


This article seeks to reflect on the configurations of fatherhood that arise from daily practice in a Children's Welfare Home in Mar del Plata city. This fatherhood is absent and tangential to the life of the offspring. These extremely young men are traversed by situations of extreme socio-economic vulnerability and exposed to addictions; they are victims and perpetrators of violence, who are trapped in performative walls of the patriarchal hegemonic construction. The same that questions women-mothers as the only ones that are responsible for parenting. 

In the course of almost thirty years working as a Social Worker for Children and Adolescents, it can be said that their voices have been heard and registered. Those addressed in this article have been selected mainly from some of their stories, within the framework of the interviews that were done at the Hogar Scarpati. The absent paternities are revealed through the reports and judicial files and, in this report, they try to give an account of their existence, their histories of exclusion and of unfulfilled rights.


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Author Biography

Mariana Haydée Bright, Universidad Nacional de Mar de Plata, Buenos Aires, Argentina

Licenciada en Servicio Social (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata)

Doctora en Trabajo Social (Universidad Nacional de Rosario)

Graduada Adscripta a la Cátedra de Sociología de la Familia (Universidad Nacional de Mar del Plata)

Integrante del Grupo de Investigación “Protección Social, Políticas Públicas y Desarrollo”


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2021-12-17 — Updated on 2022-08-30


How to Cite

Bright, M. H. (2022). Whithout father´s data.: Reflections on tangencial paternity of children housed in a Welfare Home in Mar del Plata City . Cátedra Paralela, (19), 307–317. (Original work published December 17, 2021)


