Taller de derechos humanos en la cárcel de mujeres de Bouwer
Women deprived of liberty, Human rights, University extension, EducationAbstract
The university extension project “Human Rights Workshop in Bouwer’s Woman’s Jail”, in effect since 2006, is a space centered in the exchange of experiences and knowledge between students from Cordoba’s National University, and women who are deprived of liberty in Bouwer’s Nº3 facilities. For eight years, more than 300 women has participated, along with over 500 students and teachers from Law, Social Work, Communication Sciences, Arts, Anthropology, Psychology, Education Sciences, among others. The project develops in two stages: the first one regards the training, in which professors and advanced students offer workshops on a variety of topics – having as main axes Human Rights and Gender – to the future workshop facilitators that, on the second stage of the project, will go to the jail’s facilities to replay those workshops with the woman in Bouwer. The themes cover include critical criminology, gender, popular education, penal execution, and justice among others
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