Pibxs en Emergencia


  • Guillermo Campana Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, Santa Fe




Youth, Emergency, Public policy, Punitive apparatus


The representation of children begins in modern times, with the
construction of the tutelary paradigm or Irregular situation. In Argentina, it crystallizes in the law 10.903 of patronage of minors (1919) and
formally governed until the enactment of a new regulatory framework that conceives children as subjects of
Law –Convention on the rights of the child (1989), national Act No. 26.061 (2005) and Bill Provincial 12.967 (2009). This paradigm shift occurs at the same time clinching the neo-liberal model, which involved for the Argentine social structure deep transformations, accompanied by processes of naturalization of inequality, the criminalization of poverty as a central element of these processes. Reinforce the ideas of social dangerousness, constructing a stigma that enables cutting repressive interventions on neighborhoods and youth. Social policies are insufficient to transform the conditions of violation of the rights of the child and juvenile population, so it is imperative to prioritize public policies to the girls, boys and adolescents. From the Assembly for the rights of children and youth, we promote the Declaration of public emergency in the field of childhood and youth in Rosario.


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Author Biography

Guillermo Campana, Universidad Nacional de Rosario, Rosario, Santa Fe

Miembro de la Asociación Civil Causa y Efecto, Rosario


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How to Cite

Campana, G. . (2021). Pibxs en Emergencia. Cátedra Paralela, (11), 135–148. https://doi.org/10.35305/cp.vi11.204


