Victims identification by the Bucaramanga’s Municipal Committee Against Human Trafficking.

A case analysis


  • Cristian David Sandoval Bueno Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia



Human Trafficking, Identification, Victims, Cases


This article presents the results of a research project that investigated the identification processes of human trafficking’s victims by the Bucaramanga’s Municipal Committe to Fight Human Trafficking. The main objective was to know the processes of victims identification by the Municipal Committee to Combat Human Trafficking of Bucaramanga. To comply with the latter, the research carried out a case analysis. Among the main results, it was found that the victim’s identification consists of three moments: case reception, case analysis and the activation of the assistance route. Regarding the case reception, this is usually passive, that is, through citizen complaints or victims sent by other institutions. Regarding case analysis and assistance route, these are centralized in the functions of the committee’s technical secretariat. In summary, the victim’s identification processes seems to be more of an administrative processes of “case construction” in which the most important task is the “paperwork” for the identification of an alleged victim.


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Author Biography

Cristian David Sandoval Bueno, Universidad Industrial de Santander, Bucaramanga, Colombia

Trabajador Social (Universidad Industrial de Santander)


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How to Cite

Sandoval Bueno, C. D. (2021). Victims identification by the Bucaramanga’s Municipal Committee Against Human Trafficking. : A case analysis. Cátedra Paralela, (19), 267–288.


